Stingray4 WS Android
Stingray4 WS Android 2
Stingray4 WS Android 1
Stingray4 WS Android 4
Stingray4 WS Android 6
Stingray4 WS Android 5
Stingray4 WS Android 3
Stingray4 WS Android 8
Stingray4 WS Android 7

Stingray 4 WS Mid


  • WS - JS985 Mid
Featured Specs

To compliment the current Stingray 4 JS980, the JS985 has a new look and feel to the more traditional POS terminal by offering a ultra thin and sleek body and a wide screen display.

  • Purpose build AIO Computer System
  • Wide Screen 15.6” 16:9 Display
  • Flexible mounting options
  • Windows10/Linux/Android9 support
  • Modular body and PC design 
* Required.