UA3P 3D Profilometer

UA3P 3D Profilometer


  • UA3P-300/UA3P-4/UA3P-5
Featured Specs

The Panasonic Connect UA3P profilometer series is designed to measure aspherical lenses & molds, semiconductor wafers, and any other precision component requiring nanometer level accuracy ranging up to 200mm x 200mm. Different machine models are available to meet your optical & high aspect ratio metrology needs.

The UA3P-300, UA3P-4 and UA3P-5 all offer users the accuracy of AFM technology with the measurement range of a CMM. Our unique approach uses atomic force probe technology in the stylus and HeNe laser-based interferometric XYZ axis positioning.

Couple this technology with a solid granite-base and you have a robust metrology system that can be used on the factory floor and still deliver 0.1um level total uncertainty.

  • The UA3P can measure aspherical lenses and free-form mirrors and their molds, which are essential for digital consumer electronics such as mobile phones, DSCs, DVDs, and Blu-ray recorders, as well as in home security, optical communications, and vehicle H
  • Ultra-accurate measurement in only 3 minutes
  • Automatic NC program generation
  • Extensive library of optional software
  • Easy operation supports rapid feedback to machining

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