REthinking the world around us
It’s time to rethink everything, to rewrite the rulebook, to expand the stories we’re telling and bring you the brightest minds the tech world has to offer. It’s time for a fresh take on how technology and creativity are changing the way work gets done. This is The Big REthink.
Listen to our most recent episodes
How to become a better leader in the era of hybrid work
February 21, 2024
This week on The Big REthink, host Susan Campbell speaks with leadership expert Karen Colligan about how to become a better leader. Colligan is the founder of PeopleThink, a company that trains executives, teams, and individuals in leadership skills. In this episode, she shares some of the key steps to acquiring these skills – and defining a company leadership culture. Along with training, she says, the essentials include gaining clarity about one’s own values, as well as – spoiler – communication. Plus: she shares the most essential tool to cultivate, at any stage of one’s career.
Inside satellite technology: An expert shares how it works, and what’s coming next
December 20, 2023
Jean-Luc Froeliger was in middle school when he first fell in love with space. He’d become captivated by sci-fi movies and books, which inspired a lifelong passion. Now, he’s Senior VP of Space Systems at Intelsat, operator of the world’s largest integrated satellite and terrestrial network. On this episode of The Big REthink, he joins host Susan Campbell to discuss how satellite technology works, what the future of satellite tech looks like, and how it will impact everyday life here on Earth.
The Future Force Series: How technology is helping law enforcement solve crimes faster
November 15, 2023
When Sgt. Frailan Young started with the Mesa, AZ Police Department, he was writing tickets by hand and gathering video evidence in person. Now, 25 years later, he’s part of the department’s Real Time Crime Center, a division that uses technology like advanced software mapping and GPS to help solve crimes, assist in emergencies, and support officers on the ground in real time. On this episode of The Big REthink, Sgt. Young joins host Susan Campbell to share how the RTCC is not so unlike TV police shows—and what tech is coming next.

Susan Campbell