How to Streamline EMS Workflows with Rugged Mobile Technology

  • rugged computers
Panasonic Connect Mobility / September 25, 2024 / 5 min read

Time is of the essence for emergency medical services (EMS). Yet, nearly half of EMS professionals say their response time to critical 911 calls has increased. This is the result of 86% of departments experiencing staffing challenges in recent years.

Staffing shortages have made this high-pressure work even more stressful. When it comes to fulfilling existing responsibilities with fewer resources, technology can help create efficiencies. While the industry has started to embrace digital transformation by digitizing reporting and record-keeping processes, there is still a long way to go. EMS teams need access to reliable and durable rugged technology that allows them to boost productivity and support better patient care.   

Let’s explore some of the key benefits offered by rugged mobile technology and tips for deploying the right solutions.

Streamline Manual Workflows

With 53% of EMS professionals saying their department doesn’t have enough personnel to respond to the 911 calls in their service area, teams need technology that helps streamline manual workflows so they can move quickly from call to call.

Rugged tablets help minimize the time responders spend on manual tasks so they can focus more on delivering high-quality care to each patient in the moment. For example, the flexibility of tablets makes it easier for EMS professionals to file reports while sitting with patients. The ability to type up notes as they discuss the patient’s symptoms supports more accurate and clear reporting. Hospital staff don’t need to decipher handwriting or worry about losing pages of the report. Electronically filing paperwork from the scene means hospitals can begin preparing for the incoming patient sooner.

Enhance Collaboration with Hospital Staff

The introduction of mobile devices to EMS workflows has opened possibilities for remote patient consultation. Devices equipped with strong connectivity and compatibility with dedicated first responder networks allow EMS teams to conduct video calls with hospital staff from anywhere. In extreme situations, doctors can guide EMS professionals through a critical care process so they can support the patient until they arrive at the hospital.

In the case of Houston Fire, fire response teams equipped with tablets can coordinate a video call between the patient and the physician to determine if a trip to the hospital or ambulance is necessary. This saves EMS teams valuable time and helps the hospital minimize crowded emergency rooms by re-directing low-acuity patients.

Considerations for Deploying the Right Mobile Technology

Rugged mobile devices play an important role in helping EMS providers stay efficient. The last thing they need is an unreliable, uncooperative device that experiences significant downtime and hinders their workflows.

Here are four key features to consider to ensure devices support productivity:

1) Durability: With EMS teams moving quickly from call to call, their devices must withstand drops and spills as downtime from broken devices slows down reporting and response times, negatively impacting patient care  Fewer device delays also means a better employee experience overall, supporting retention. After deploying the Panasonic TOUGHBOOK® G2, STAR Ambulance saw significantly fewer IT service calls thanks to the solution’s durability and reliability.

2) Ease-of-Use: 2-in-1 devices that function as both a laptop and tablet give employees the flexibility to use the device while sitting with a patient or while docked in the vehicle. Features like sunlight viewable screens and rain mode ensure that employees can always view and operate the touchscreen without the glare of the sun or raindrops interfering.

3) Modularity: Modular devices that can easily swap out components and features help streamline future upgrades, minimizing the time EMS teams spend without a device. For instance, a department may initially purchase devices with Smart Card readers so employees can scan their badge before accessing its contents. If security needs shift in the future, the department needs the flexibility to swap the Smart Card readers for fingerprint readers instead of having to purchase new models.  

4) Support Services:  Even durable devices require support. EMS departments should seek out tech partners that offer both hardware and quick repair services to keep EMS teams operational.

A New Age of Digitization for EMS

The EMS field has already started to embrace digitization. In the face of current staffing shortages, now is the time to make sure individual employees have the tools they need to be productive and deliver the best possible patient care. Deploying the right mobile solutions – ones that are rugged, durable, and easy-to-use – is critical to ensure technology boosts the employee and patient experiences instead of hindering them.